Giant Redfish

This is the ultimate inshore angling experience for big fish! Tar-Pam Guide Service offers trophy Red Drum charters on the Pamlico Sound from late-August through mid to late September. If catching big, powerful fish at or near the water’s surface turns you on, then you have to experience our popping cork and topwater fishing for North Carolina’s Pamlico Sound “Old Drum”.  We are lucky to have the largest and oldest red drum (redfish, spottail) within their geographic range (Southeastern U.S.) enter our waters in August and September for their annual spawning ritual.  These are trophy class fish ranging mostly from 30-60 pounds.  If you enjoy fishing in North Carolina and especially catching big fish, this fishery is a MUST SEE!  We fish Med-Heavy Action Temple Fork Outfitters Tactical Series Spinning rods spooled coupled with a 4000 series reel spooled with 30 pound braid.  You will be casting big popping corks and topwater baits to these large, aggressive fish.  This is truly world class light tackle fishing!  We offer morning and afternoon trips, but I highly recommend coming in the morning so you will have calmer conditions for popping cork fishing.